Where Have You Been?

You never call. You never write anymore. A few of the questions that echoed through the blogosphere. I’ll attempt to account for my lack of activity.

Most recently, my loyal companion, Max passed away on January 18, 2024. I knew the day would come. Still was a surprise that morning, when his actions told me it was time. His fourteen-year-old body had given out. He was in intense pain.

Before that, my youngest daughter was betrothed over the New Years weekend. Max made the journey–a three-hour trip each way. Little did I know, it would be his last road trip. 

My wife has been recovering from knee replacement surgery complications, over a period of six months. I am indebted to the kindness of my neighbor, who mowed the lawn and raked leaves last autumn.    

I look forward to the future. My wife is making great strides in recovery. There will be a relocation in 2025. I know, I swore there would never be another move. More to come on this.  

Save Room For Last Minute Miscellaneous

Getting rid of attic junk was much worse than I thought. Bruises on my forearms have healed, from sliding heavy boxes down the folding attic stairs. 

This picture was taken before. Found things not seen since we moved in fifteen years ago.  Some things given away, some recycled, sadly, some discarded.

Shedding excess electronics, gadgets, began shortly after the Holidays.  It will end this coming Tuesday, when the movers are here.  There will be two closings this week–one for the house we are leaving on Tuesday, one for the new house on Friday.

There will be no more postings from this location.  It was kind to me, in that, it was a non-stop source of material.  I’ve learned to appreciate the kindness of neighbors during these difficult times.  See everyone on the other side, from a new location in a different part of the country.  

One Thing After Another

An unexpected trip to the doctor for sutures. That was on the day before my wife was scheduled for cataract surgery.

She’s fine, a little sore. It could have been worse. This happened as she was leaving the YMCA after working out. Plenty of people came to her aid.

Thank goodness our family doctor’s office did the suturing instead of the emergency room. We would have waited there for hours, and probably caught the flu from some of the sickies.

The next couple of weeks will be busy with doctor visits and follow-ups.  The first cataract surgery went well today, the next one scheduled in two weeks.

My wife is on light duty–not allowed to drive.  For the next month, I’ll have to pick up the slack around here.

One Of Those Days

Have you ever had a day when good intentions went bad in spite of your best efforts?

This has been one of those days.  To prevent victimization by negativity, I’m taking the rest of the day off.

Even news coming from my workshop radio sucked.  Another errant motorist plowed into a local Mardi Gras parade this morning.  Thoughts go to the victims.  Sorry to think it–but, what the heck is going on with this stuff?


For the Team

Divisiveness faded

Like dirty snow

On every sandlot

Stadium and alley

Grass has gone green

The equinox vernal

They stand stick-straight

Optimism eternal

Stay within yourself

Try hard as you can

With clever phraseology

That will knock their socks off

Sprains, pains disappear

Loudspeaker blared

“All those with bruised egos

Report to the training room!”

Overthinking Is Never Done

It was 97, a few days ago.  Finally, some cool autumn mornings are on the way.  Max, the wonder dog will be happy.  Mosquitos and gnats will be gone somewhere else.

This morning, illuminated by flashlight, was a black plastic fork in the road.  “When you come to a fork in the road–take it.”  Thanks Yogi for the suggestion,  but I’ll politely decline.  It appeared to have crusted food on it.

Speaking of Yogi Berra, there’s a family connection.  My first cousin, once removed, attended high school with Yogi.  She grew up in the same neighborhood as Yogi, Joe Garagiola, and Harry Caray.

When it comes to some tech–I’m mentally challenged.  My goal as I age is to simplify my life.  Are there Cliff’s Notes or Tech for Dummies books out there?  There’s an answer for everything on the internet–whether it’s right or not.

Just in time for Thanksgiving; canned pumpkin isn’t really pumpkin.  What?  Apparently, it is mostly butternut squash, because of the smoother texture.  What’s wrong with texture in food?  That’s why I like pears-because of their grainy texture.

I’ve uncluttered my mind for another day.  It’s OK, I’ll just clutter it up again.

Eastbound, Down and Out

His reign was over

Everybody else knew

Poor whippoorwill would do

What nobody else would do

What others thought

Whippoorwill said out loud

Whippoorwill was a good boy

Made his mama real proud

Whippoorwill fell, got back up

Scoffed–it was just bad luck

If there wasn’t a God

Why was whippoorwill still here?

Pouring My Art Out

Ripping out my guts for your entertainment

Anchors and Butterflies

Letting Go - Life by Choice

Have We Had Help?

The blog of a published writer

Two on a Rant

Rants, humor, sarcasm, and a haiku-like substance? It's hard to know what's going to come out of our minds next.


site about liteture and life

SueBee Arts

Repository and showcase for my arts, photos, adventures

Writing My Retirement

Journaling my Retirement...one day at a time.

Blessed with a Star on the Forehead

As I navigate through this life ...


The humor and humanity of storytelling.


Come take a journey through my mind

War and Security

History of war and current national security issues

say yes to new adventures

Take time to do what makes your soul happy

Nebraska Wheatie

Follow the Journey of a Third Generation Custom Harvesting Family

WordPress.com News

The latest news on WordPress.com and the WordPress community.

Mike's Look at Life

Photography, memoirs, random thoughts.

Dom DiFrancesco

Musings of an Aspiring Author and Poet

G.D. Alexander: Writers' Blog

A community of writers and readers...

RAF 23 Squadron

A blog about a RAF Mosquito squadron