Way Off Broadway

Ten in the morning

Right on time

At the express bus stop

Pigeons cared nothing

About human punctuality

Head-bobbed,  with slouched

Groucho Marx silly walks

Around trash cans, benches

Alerted to handouts, shoo-offs

Crafty crows, cawed their disdain

Enterprising crow shook out

Corn chip feast from half-eaten bag

Somewhere way off Broadway


Don’t Look At Me That Way

Brown eyes pleaded.  My two dogs wanted belly rubs–made it impossible to write.

Sometimes pet owners, sports enthusiasts, assume others have the same passions, as they do.  That’s wrong and causes resentment.

Dog hair accumulates everywhere.  The vacuum cleaner does double duty.  Wet dog smells can be unpleasant.

It was a conscious choice to adopt them.  Along with that came responsibilities of proper care and attention.

I’m introverted and these two make me happy.  They help me navigate through a sometimes strange, uncaring world.

Who greets you at the door?  Who wakes you up in the morning?  Perhaps it’s only for treats?  I don’t care.

If I wanted to feel unappreciated–I’d go back to work.  I’m retired–it’s not going to happen.



Being at the St. Louis Zoo butterfly house, yesterday, July 25th, reminded me of the post that follows.  Some twenty years since my last visit, much had changed.  The exhibits were modernized, animals displayed in more natural habitats.

It was crowded, on a very hot, humid day.  Many of the animals couldn’t be seen–because they were holed up in cool shade somewhere.  They were smarter than most of the human gawkers.

The zoo wasn’t as much fun for me this time as when accompanied by young children and grandchildren.  I appreciate creature comforts more and don’t walk as fast.  However, there’s hope for the future, from the number of families observed in the park.  And, the St. Louis Zoo still doesn’t charge admission.

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