Near the Borderline

The borderline is a good thing if you’re hankering for some Taco Bell.

If your cholesterol is borderline–fast food’s not a good choice.  My annual physical is a little over a week away.

The gist of all this–I have to consume only poultry and fish, between now and then.

Starting after tonight’s roast pork loin dinner, with German potato salad, baked beans, and marinated coleslaw.

Time will tell if my dietary efforts pay off.

Another dietary concern involves my dog, Max.  He certainly isn’t starving for food.  Last night and today, I’ve caught him with baby turtles in his mouth.

They weren’t the sea-dwelling type, but rather, some species of land tortoise.  In any case, they deserved a chance to grow into turtle adulthood.

Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?

A painted, box turtle just like this one crossed the road in front of me recently.  Not the same one–this was written exactly two years ago.  


To get to the other side–of course
That–and because it’s springtime
the mating season arrived
With a sudden hormone rush
Driving creatures crazy
Like some human counterparts
Days grow longer and warmer
So be kind–keep pets away
Watch nesting areas
While on the beach
Help turtles when you can


box turtle usfws

To get to the other side–of course

That–and because it’s springtime

The mating season arrived

With a sudden hormone rush

Driving creatures crazy

Like some human counterparts

Days grow longer and warmer

So be kind–keep pets away

Watch nesting areas

While on the beach

Help turtles when you can

–Image, US, NFWS–

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