Watching Rain Fall

Another in a series of rainy days. I’m in a pensive mood. Hypoglycemia does little to quell thoughts of negativity.

Everything is so green–including my fast-growing lawn. I tend to assume that everything will always stay the same. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Changes can sometimes be hard to deal with. Natural disasters, first, come to mind. Rampant volcanic lava flows in Hawaii. Wildfires in the Western states.

Closer to home, it’s almost high hurricane season. What will the season bring? Try not to dwell on such things–even with constant news coverage.

As much as we like to think we are in control, nature refuses to be controlled.  Last year it was hurricane Harvey–copious amounts of rain–the likes of which no one had ever seen.

Some Catching Up To Do

Another birthday came and went. Birthday cakes aren’t large enough to hold the required number of candles.

The younger set is impatient to age, the older set wishes aging would slow down.

Visited with friends over a long weekend. Many enjoyable highlights. Scars from last year’s tragic fires were still present in Gatlinburg and Smoky Mountain NP.

Ridges covered with bare trees, stark skeletons of burned-out homes and cabins. Hilltops bulldozed over–some decided to rebuild, others took insurance settlements, and left.

Went deep undercover in Tennessee Vols country Saturday.  No one was the wiser.  Faithful fans cheered for positive yardage; fell silent during penalties in a very lackluster game with UMass.

The two mutts were glad to be released from incarceration at the kennel on our return.  Their lockup due to their incompatibility with felines.

One morning in the restroom, I was startled when one of the male cats jumped from behind the shower curtain.  The other, growled from concealment.  Thankfully, the conflict didn’t escalate, while I was in a compromised position.

Max and Maggie would be disappointed to know, while they were kenneled, we were visiting with cats.  It will remain a secret.

Pretty Good For a Monday

How am I?  Pretty good for a Monday morning.

Eleven years ago, today, I was wide awake, getting ready for work.  The wind outside made the most awful howl.

Before my first cup of coffee, the power went off.

Hurricane Katrina arrived–earlier than expected.  The wind blew all day.  Trees bent, limbs, sticks, and trash blew across front lawns.  There wasn’t much rain.

My boss called, “Don’t come in to work today.  We won’t be open.”  Who would be foolish enough to be out on a day like this, I thought.

Reports, from New Orleans, and Mississippi were unbelievable.  Katrina split the difference, made landfall on the Mississippi, Louisiana state line.

So, considering what happened eleven years ago–I’m pretty good for a Monday.




“Maggie’s depicted on the left”

It was quite a conundrum
Maggie the Monster dog
Contemplated catching
One of the Crazy Cat Lady’s
Crazy stray cats–a disaster
That should never be allowed
Even though she could
Probably spare a few
Better, that she never knew
That could have been
Quite a catastrophe
I’m done–that’s enough
Monster madness for me


We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike. We are never as bad off or as happy as we say we are. –Honore de Balzac–

Superlatives spewed from
Every pore–rendered every
Spoken word null and void
Cornucopias of awesomeness
Left room for little else
What was to be or what was not
Lost in one-way love affairs
That turned out to be
Extended glad hands
Offered big bundles
Of sympathy, tied
With ribbons
Of false piety
The rest, accepted disaster
As their lot in life
Moved on, to
Other things


Of all the awful possibilities, what’s the worst possible thing that could happen to you today?  Now, what about the best?



From New Orleans, the National Weather Service declared a Flash Flood Emergency extending eastward into the Florida Panhandle.  A line of thunderstorms stretched from Louisiana to Tennessee, continued to build over the Gulf of Mexico, moving east, northeast. Expect heavy rains, frequent lightning, hail one inch in diameter, and wind gusts to sixty miles per hour.

Rainfall amounts in affected areas could total 6-10 inches or more–stating mid-morning, continuing through the nighttime hours.  After recent record rainfall amounts, streams and rivers are still in flood stage. Flash flooding is imminent.  Immediate emergency action is needed to prevent loss of life.


The County Emergency Management Agency, declared an emergency evacuation effecting all areas south of Interstate 10 by 12:00 PM noon, today.  Those refusing to leave will be subject to arrest.  Due to washed-out roads and bridges, emergency personnel may not be able to respond to 911 calls.  Please report to the nearest emergency evacuation shelter in your area.  If you need assistance or transportation, please call the emergency number.


A mere forty-eight hours ago, my wife and I felt helpless against the surge of water that invaded our home.  We wet-vacuumed an enclosed sun room all night to prevent rising water from entering the main part of the house.  It was touch-and-go, as the power briefly went out several times.  I can think of nothing worse than more flooding rains on top of the twenty-two inches that fell this past Tuesday and early Wednesday.    

As water slowly recedes–memories are still too fresh.  Reminders are everywhere–high water marks, scattered debris, washed out roadways, flooded cars and homes.  Several drivers perished in their cars–found yet today.     


After the rainiest April in Gulf Coast recorded history, a long-range fair weather forecast would be the best possible outcome.  Those overwhelmed by losses, need time to recover.  My peace of mind was stolen from me.  Most of all–I want it back.  I fear it’s gone forever.

historic rainfall


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